Our Middle School and High School Band and Choir members did a fantastic job showcasing their talents at their concert this week! We are so proud of them! Happy Holidays from the Music Department!
Congratulations to our K-2 students on their wonderful performance of Snowmen at Night! Here are some highlights from their performance as well as from practice during music class. Happy Holidays!
Support: 'More Than a Game'!
Congratulations to all of our 2025 Barneveld Spelling Bee participants! We wish Sydney the best of luck in the regional competition!
4th graders have been practicing and perfecting their recorder skills as they compete in the Recorder Karate Race! These are the current standings. The class that earns the most belts by the end of January will win a party day in music class!
Class of 2024 Graduates-
It is time to collect your scholarships!!!
Please submit your 2024 Scholarship Verification Form to Mrs. Schulting to claim the scholarship money you were awarded last spring.
Reach out if you need another copy of the form.
Music Booster Fundraiser - Have a student in grades K-2 or a middle- or high-schooler in band and/or choir? Pre-order single-stem flowers for them today to give to them at their Winter Concert!
Please complete the form by Monday, December 16. Payment will be collected at pickup on 12/17 at the concert(s). https://forms.gle/J6Ub2BknZZxxeFqNA. This is a fundraiser for the NEW Barneveld Music Boosters Club!
Senior Spotlight
Fourth Grade Students visiting the Capitol and Wisconsin Historical Society Maker Space to learn about State government and how historians learn about our past. We also got to see ornaments that we made on the Capitol Christmas tree in the rotunda.
The National Honor Society students helped wrap gifts from the Giving Tree for Santa Cop to deliver.
Regular School Board Meetings
Mark your Calendar
We celebrated our Student of the Month Luncheon for the month of November. We honored these students with pizza, sweets, juice boxes, and prizes. Teachers nominate students each month for their positive behavior and success in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
Snowman at night! Elementary Music Concert December 17 at 5:30 PM
Senior Spotlight
The schedule for tonight's Boys and Girls Basketball games at Juda has changed.
Barneveld High School has achieved the Bronze Level for the 2023-2024 academic school year in the Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Dual Credit recognition program. In the 2023-2024 school year, an impressive 22.3% of Barneveld High School students participated in two or more dual credit programs with Southwest Wisconsin Technical College. These courses include CollEDGE Up, Start College Now, Transcripted Credit, and 38.14 Contracted Courses. Congratulations!
The 7th-grade Spanish Class learned how to finger knit during their unit on Peru.
Oops, we did it AGAIN! đź’śđź’› Our students are amazing mathematicians! US News & World Report uses data from the State Report Cards to rank schools in every state. To see the US News & World Report, go to: https://www.usnews.com/.../barneveld-elementary-210970. To see the State Report Cards, go to: https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/
Barneveld Giving Tree 2024 Only a few tags left for our seniors! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A49A4A928A5FB6-53374571-barneveld Please return wrapped packages to school by Friday, December 6th with a sticky note on what is inside so we can distribute to families before Christmas. Thanks!