The first graders are now published Hiw-To authors!
The Spanish is planned for 2023. Paris and Mediterranean Europe tour in 14 days.
Departure in late March. For more information contact Mrs. Cuevas.
Writing Buddies in Mrs. Myers’ and Ms. Bosch’s classes met today to work on descriptive adjectives and writing detailed sentences.
Winter Programs are Back!
Sign up before December 3rd receives a free T-Shirt! Open To All Mount Horeb / Barneveld Students Grades K-8th. Parent Meeting Mon, Dec 13th @ 6:00pm, Mount Horeb HS Cafeteria.
The girl's basketball team is sell pasties for a fundraiser. We will be selling them until Dec. 4th. Cost $4.50 per pasty or 4 for $16.00. You can order with or without onions. Please contact a girl's basketball player or email Coach Thousand at with your order. Thank you for much for the support..
The Art room is in need of the following items:
Egg cartons, Empty old plastic containers - cool whip, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc., Tin foil, Bubble wrap, Old action figures and matchbox cars
If you have any of these items and you're willing to part with them, please dropping them off in the school's entry way in the Art Bin .
3rd Graders learned about printmaking and created some beautiful hand painted pattered prints!
Ms. Bollig's class is getting into the holiday spirit early!
Congratulations and welcome to the 37 members of the Barneveld HS 2022 Forensics team! We are excited to get started on our season!
Hype up for the 2021-2022 basketball season!
Join us in honoring our community veterans.
Come join our award winning drama department this weekend. Tickets available at the door. Saturday at 7:30pm. Sunday at 2:00pm.
Congratulations to Golden Eagle Emma G. on signing her letter of intent to play softball at Ellsworth Community College. We are proud of you Emma
Barneveld Elementary school welcomed Dodgeville Lions club to screen our 4K- 4th grade students on Monday October 25th!
We need your help with the nation-wide blood shortage!!!
The NHS is sponsoring a Blood Drive next Wednesday, November 10th at The American Legion from 9AM - 2PM.
For those interested in trying hockey!
We have some bright crayons in the Barneveld School crayon box! Join our special education team . We are looking for paraprofessionals. Apply today.
Fall Fun Day in the Tech Ed shop sponsored by our SkillsUSA & NHS students.
Thanks to the Barneveld PTO and Barneveld Education Foundation for their donation towards the Halloween goodie bags.
Happy Halloween from Mrs. Fingerson’s Class