Tuesday Announcements MS/HS:
Reminder that Wednesday, October 16th at 1:05 PM.
Ms. Cox's 6th graders enjoying class in the library. #BeBarneveld
The third graders finished their first reading unit Building a Reading Life. We have learned may strategies that we can take with us throughout our Life. One very important lesson we learned in this unit is that if we read books like they are GOLD we enjoy reading much more. The third graders all found books that they really liked and learned important reading strategies. To celebrate the end of our unit we got our readers notebooks, wrote what we learned/like on fancy gold paper and also got "gold" treats to eat while we were reading and using everything we learned!
BSD has partnered with Oregon Mental Health so students have mental health support close to home. Contact us to find out more. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/mental-health/suicide/flyer-40seconds-web.pdf?sfvrsn=5ba643c_2 #WorldMentalHealthDay #40seconds #BeBarneveld
Congratulations to our October Math Wise Award winners! #BeBarneveld
Barneveld Public Library Halloween Party is looking for volunteers. Sign up here to help.
Some have expressed that you can't open the Lunch Menu's. Please go to the Food Service page and choose which menu you would like to print. Here is the link. https://www.barneveld.k12.wi.us/o/barneveld-school-district/page/food-service--180
MS/HS Announcements https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UUdJmVnteJXNZ49kIHcp9BNNfuuo_jXsPL4BJGTtezY/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UUdJmVnteJXNZ49kIHcp9BNNfuuo_jXsPL4BJGTtezY/edit?usp=sharing Elementary Announcements https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B50-pNvABxIcTXZLVElJV0tZQkY0MGlsV2hYNU1uTVFPRVFN/view?usp=sharing